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Freemason sin in the family

What to do with freemason sin in your family

In fact, this post will explain how to deal with the fall-out from any form of satanism in your immediate ancestry. In particular, I will look at how to cope with the evil consequences of freemasonry on your family. For freemasonry is a satanic evil that continues to bind so many families under the curse that God placed upon such worship. If you as a Christian can understand the situation that freemasons covenant on behalf of their families, then you’ll better understand how to deal with its evil.

God promises consequences for those who worship false gods

The 2nd commandment is very explicit concerning the consequences of worshipping false gods on the families of such people.
Exodus 20:4-54Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me;

False god worship is opposed to the worship of the God of the Bible

We may assume, quite biblically, that any serious worship of any god, other than the one true God of the Bible, is therefore effectively worshipping satan. (Many of satan’s demons represent false gods, but worshipping demons is still effectively worshipping satan.) Such false gods would include anything to do with the occult (= hidden or secret), witchcraft and satanism. However, it would also include any serious commitment to worship a god who was not the God of the Bible. This would include all false religions, including the plethora of cults that declare they are Christian but are definitely not of Christ. You really have two choices in this world today: to be with Christ, or against Him. “He that is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30)

But what is serious worship?

It is one thing to dabble in occult things and another to be committed as a servant of such. One (especially a Christian) should never dabble at all in anything occult or satanic, such as witchcraft, seances, astrology, divining, etc. Such activity will degrade your Christian witness. Even attending a false-teaching church group should be avoided. But it is more serious when you commit yourself to the service and support of such things, such as becoming a member, or making a solemn vow, or signing a contract, undergoing an initiation, or any form of binding commitment to such worship (including the teaching of that false religion).

Freemasonry is worshipping a false god.

False-god worship would have to include freemasonry which is actually the largest witchcraft organisation in the world today. To join freemasonry, you have to make a very serious commitment to uphold and support all its requirements. This is reinforced by having to undergo an occult initiation ceremony. Once a member, you are now breaking the 2nd commandment and are subject to its consequences. And, not only are you subject to those consequences, you have also committed your family (to the 3rd and 4th generation) to suffering God’s promise to visit them with your iniquity.

If you join freemasons, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will suffer.

Your iniquity in joining a satan-worshipping organisation will also apply to your family. God will visit “the iniquity of the fathers (that’s you) upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]” You will certainly suffer for your false-god worship. But this suffering will also be applied to your descendants.
The 3rd and 4th generation simply depends upon what you call the 1st generation. If you are the 1st, then your children are 2nd, grandchildren are 3rd and great-grandchildren are 4th. However, if your children are the 1st generation (after you), then the next two generations are the 2nd and 3rd.

This iniquity will affect them spiritually.

While the iniquity may not prevent your family from becoming Christians, it may affect them in their service to God as Christians, even if they themselves are not in any way part of this false-god worship. Note that illegitimate children were prohibited from entering the congregation of the Lord to the 10th generation (Deuteronomy 23:2). This would have referred to service for the Lord God; they could be God’s people but probably prevented from serving God in the temple, for example. And also note carefully that being illegitimate could never have been their fault! But, they still suffered for it. Never think for one minute that your decisio0n will affect only you!

A satanic contract will involve demons

If you make a satanic contract with the god of freemasonry, you’ll certainly involve demons, not only in your life but the lives of your family down to your great grandchildren. Such demons are named ancestral spirits or generational demons. They are contracted via that covenant you make with freemasonry. Effectively, your freemason membership will infect your family with demons.

Paul had a similar problem with a demon

Most Christians are aware of Paul’s statement “there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me” (2 Corinthians 12:7). Most Christians try to explain this as a physical weakness (such as eyesight) in Paul. But that word “messenger” is the same word (aggelos) as used for “angels” in most NT occurrences, including “angels” in “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:” (Matthew 25:41). aggelos means “messenger”; angels are spiritual messengers, and can be either good (= God’s angels) or evil (= demons).
What Paul was really saying was that he had been given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of satan to buffet him.

Was Paul’s thorn in the flesh a demon sent by satan?

If Paul’s thorn in the flesh were really a demon sent to torment him, then why would Paul, such a godly man, have been given it? Keep in mind that God visits the iniquity of the father upon his descendants (2nd commandment), and that this can involve generational demons by reason of the covenant that a person has with worshipping satan. Therefore, we should see if Paul’s family had covenanted to worship satan. And the answer is Yes: Paul’s family did indeed worship satan. They were pharisees whom Jesus declared to be the children of the devil. “Ye are of [your] father the devil” (John 8:44).

Paul was born into a family of pharisees, the sons of the devil

Paul said, “I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee” (Acts 23:6) and Jesus said, “Ye (the pharisees) are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” (John 8:44) The pharisees here are described as children of satan and therefore were effectively accused by Jesus of breaking the 2nd commandment to not worship false gods. Paul was born into such a family and was a pharisee himself; therefore he was a covenanted servant of satan, as well as being born into a family that had covenanted to worship satan. There would have certainly been demonic influence on Paul’s life.

But Paul was saved and therefore set free, wasn’t he?

Yes, Paul was set free by entrusting his life to Jesus Christ. But then, why did he ask God 3 times to remove that satanic messenger (= demon) from his flesh, only for God to refuse to do so, but instead to provide him with grace to bear it? (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) It does appear possible that a satanic covenant can abide even after a person becomes a Christian!

The messenger of satan was embedded in Paul’s flesh like a thorn.

This is the key to it all. Paul faced a constant battle between his spiritual life and his old flesh nature (Romans 7:14-25). It was the old flesh nature that kept hanging upon him. He couldn’t get rid of it.
So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” (Romans 7:25)
And it was the old flesh nature where this thorn embedded in the flesh had its effect.

To avoid this thorn in the flesh affecting him, Paul had to walk in the Spirit.

Paul recognised that walking after the Spirit was the answer, not walking after the flesh. While he still fell into sin via the flesh, Paul knew that his desire was to walk after the Spirit, for in that was the victory he knew he needed.
Romans 8:1[There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Many churches teach that we must simply renounce evil such as freemasonry in the family.

My father was a freemason (and also a calvinist Presbyterian elder), and my mother came from an upper class Scottish family where most men were expected to become freemasons. I grew up with this burden. While growing up, I found life quite confusing. There was never a time when I doubted that a sovereign God existed, yet I could never accept His control. My life was cluttered with conflict, so much so that I ended up withdrawing from much of social life. After I became a Christian at age 19, I could see that something was really out of place in my life. After finding out about the evil of freemasonry in my family, I wanted to cut this out of my life. I believed what I was taught by the church, that in order to remove the burden of freemasonry from my life, I had to fully renounce it and all its evil. Then, I was assured, I would be alright.

Just renouncing freemasonry in my family didn’t really work

But the conflict in my life just continued on and on. It was hard to actually define but it was real and it was there! Of course, if freemasonry introduces generational demons to the freemason’s descendants, then they are there by covenant of the freemason with satan and, as a legal contract, cannot be overruled by just tearing it up. No matter how much I renounced the evil of freemasonry in my life, the conflict just kept on happening.

The only way to escape it was to not walk in the flesh

As Paul demonstrated, breaking free from the old flesh nature was the answer to breaking free from that which was embedded in the old flesh nature. Renouncing the evil of freemasonry is good, but it can have little effect unless you are prepared to walk according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh.
Romans 8:4-54That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
It means being squeaky-clean, like walking a tightrope, not permitting any swaying to the side at all. Now, being absolutely free of sin seems to be an impossibility (and Paul did note this in Romans 7:14-25), but the Christian affected by any generational demons such as with freemasonry must be prepared to strive for that perfection of life.

God’s grace is certainly necessary to be a squeaky-clean Christian

Instead of taking away the demon embedded in Paul’s flesh nature, God simply said, “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Corinthians 12:9) so that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20).

Generational demons can be involved with any satanic worship, not just freemasonry

Paul’s generational demon (ancestral spirit) would have been due to his family’s pharisee background. Covenanting with satan and his demons to worship a false god (occult, heretical belief systems, witchcraft etc) will invite demonic oppression for both you and your family. Yes, if you wish to be a freemason, then that’s your choice. But are you aware that in doing so you will commit your family and descendants to demonic oppression as well? And if you, as a Christian, happen to be born into a family that has covenanted to give you that demonic oppression, then the only real solution is to be as squeaky-clean a Christian as possible.
The problem with such inherited demonic oppression is that it has some right to be there simply because your ancestor covenanted to serve satan. You may not be able to deny the demonic contract, but you can keep them at bay by not giving in to their temptations. Note well what James says: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Many will say that this means to we cannot suffer spiritual warfare against us by demons. But if a demon has permission from God to attack us, how may we make it flee. Note well that satan was given permission by God to attack Job. Thus the context of James 4:7 is actually dealing with temptation; read the whole passage carefully. Such demons can only hit us when we stray into their territory by giving in to temptations set before us. Stay clear of temptations and we can stay clear of any demon covenanted to our lives.

How does one try to be squeaky-clean?

To stay squeaky-clean, one must be prepared to assess all thoughts and actions according to biblical teachings. It must not just sound OK, but if there’s any question at all about anything, then it must be tested against biblical teachings. Our thinking can at times be misplaced, especially if we are tempted to desire something, but only the Bible may be trusted (even ahead of our thinking!) to assess good from evil. We might think our thinking is acceptable (it is often all too easy to convince ourselves that a sin is actually necessary!), but if it could be questionable according to the Bible, then don’t proceed, or, if you cannot stop yourself, proceed with extreme caution (this option is certainly not preferred nor recommended). It is best to not do something than to later on wish you had been more discerning in the first place.

Don’t be tempted to see what false-god worship is like

The Hebrews in the desert were warned to not be curious about what it was like to worship false gods. They were told to not ask, “How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.” (Deuteronomy 12:30) So, don’t let curiosity lead you to dabble with evil things. Do not ask, “What would it be like if I …….?” etc. Just leave it alone, not only for your sake but for the sake of your family. For once you start playing with unclean things, you will end up contaminated by them. “Clean” never makes unclean clean; rather, “unclean” always makes clean unclean! (Haggai 2:11-14) And you will spread that contamination to your family!


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Four-point calvinists believe in universal salvation

Four-point calvinists believe in a universal salvation for all mankind

Yes, that’s right! Calvinists who believe that Jesus died for the sins of all mankind without exception actually believe in a universal salvation for all mankind, because:
(a) Four-point calvinists do not believe in limited atonement; they believe that Jesus died for all mankind without exception.
and (b) calvinism teaches that no-one whose sins have been paid for will ever be sent to hell to pay for their sins.
Therefore (c) if the atonement is for all mankind, then no-one will ever go to calvinist hell; they will all go to calvinist heaven.

Limited atonement is impossible to defend biblically
You see, of the five points of calvinism (commonly referred to as TULIP), limited atonement (“L”) is the most difficult to swallow. Full 5-point calvinism teaches that Jesus only died for the sins of those whom their God has chosen for heaven; the calvinist Jesus didn’t die for any others at all. However, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus died for all the sins of all mankind without exception (1 John 2:1-2). It is therefore impossible for calvinists to biblically defend their heresy of limited atonement for the elect only.

Many calvinists reject limited atonement
Because the Bible clearly teaches full atonement for the sins of all mankind without exception (1 John 2:1-2), many calvinists, sick of trying to defend their non-biblical “limited atonement” belief, accept the biblically correct “full atonement for all sins”. They thus reject the calvinist limited atonement (while continuing to accept the other 4 points (T, U, I, P). Consequently they declare themselves to be “Four-point calvinists”.

No-one ever goes to hell to pay for their sins
MacArthur (that false teacher so beloved by calvinists) says: “If Jesus actually paid in full the penalty for your sins, you’re not going to go to hell, that would be double jeopardy.” But MacArthur is so wrong here! No-one at all ever goes to hell to pay for their sins. You go because you refused the free pardon for sin offered by God by not calling upon the name of the Lord to be saved (Romans 10:13).

It is impossible to pay for even one sin in hell, ever
Just think it through carefully! If you could pay for even one single sin in hell, then, given enough time, you could pay for every one of your sins. There’s no time limit; you will have eternity to pay for those sins. But there is no escape from hell, no matter how many works you achieve to pay for any number of sins. Your sins are not infinite, but your time in hell is indeed infinite. Not one person will ever pay for even one single sin in hell, ever. 

No escape from hell even if you did pay for your sins
Even if it were possible to pay for your sins in hell (you do have eternity to do so!), you could never escape from hell and go to heaven. What then would be the point of paying for your sins in hell? Hell is a place of torment, not redemption. Redemption is what you seek in this life, not the next!

No amount of works will ever permit you to escape hell
Romans 4:4-5 makes it very clear that you go to hell because you decided to trust in your works to get you off the charge of sin. It is those who trust in Christ for their righteousness who will be admitted to heaven, none other at all.

You must choose in this life to trust in your works, or in Christ, for salvation
Romans 4:4-5 gives mankind his two options in this life for his eternal future:
(a) to trust in your own works (and be found in debt before God as Judge – Vs 4). You will go to hell.
or (b) to believe on him that justifies the ungodly (and your faith will be accounted as your righteousness – Vs 5) You will be admitted to heaven.

The catholic purgatory permitted payment for sins
Keep in mind that Calvin never left the catholic church. He taught that the catholic baptism (and no other) was necessary for salvation, and that salvation could only be found within the walls of the Mother Church (which he defined as the catholic church). He wished to see reform in the catholic church, thus the term “Reformation”. Catholicism teaches that those of the church who die with unforgiven sins will enter purgatory before being permitted to enter heaven. Those outside the catholic church would all be sent straight to hell for eternity with no option at all for purgatory.
Purgatory (from a word meaning to cleanse or purge) was where you paid for those sins yet unpaid for, a purification process; and only the pure could enter heaven.

Calvinism has its own purgatory
Calvinism redefines purgatory as a place (the calvinist hell) where the non-elect go to pay for their sins. It’s like purgatory and hell combined. You go there to pay for your sins, yet also exist there in torment for eternity.
It is clear that calvinism has drawn much of their false teaching from the catholic church, and no wonder, for both Calvin and the catholic church built much of their teachings upon Augustine’s writings.
However, the catholic purgatory never has and never will exist. It is not in the Bible anywhere; instead it is an invention used to control the members of their church.

MacArthur says that full atonement in calvinism means universal salvation
That “hero of the faith” MacArthur says: “If you believe that Jesus paid in full the penalty for all the sins of all the people who ever lived, then you have to be a universalist.” Of course, he vehemently teaches that the atonement is limited. His reasoning is that the atonement could not have been for everyone or else we’d all go to heaven. Therefore, he says, there must be a hell for those who still need to pay for their own sins. “So the Bible promises there is a hell. The only way to avoid it is to not die in your sins. And to not die in your sins, you have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you don’t, you’re going to pay the penalty of eternal destruction. That proves that the atonement is limited. It does not apply universally. God did not intend to save everyone. He is God. He could have intended to save everyone. He could have saved everyone. He would have if that had been His intention. The atonement is limited. Now we all have to accept that or be universalists.
For MacArthur, an atonement for all mankind without exception would result in all mankind going to heaven and not one soul lost in hell.

Five-point calvinism teaches that Jesus only died for the sins of their God’s elect
Therefore, if Jesus died for the sins of all mankind without exception, then all mankind without exception are on the calvinist God’s list of his elect. Again MacArthur says: “Is the death of Christ a work that potentially saves willing sinners or is it a work that actually provides salvation for unwilling sinners who by God’s sovereign grace will be made willing?” MacArthur then teaches that it is an actual salvation for all whom Jesus died for, saying: “Jesus’ death then is to be understood as a full satisfaction to God’s holy justice on behalf of all whom God will save.

Therefore four-point calvinists must believe in universal salvation
They reason correctly that Jesus must have died for all sin of all mankind exactly as the Bible teaches. But in calvinist teaching, this would mean that no-one would go to hell, and therefore everyone would go to heaven. In fact, a four-point calvinist must believe that no-one actually goes to hell, and that all mankind ultimately goes to heaven.

A challenge to calvinists
If you consider my statements here to be biblically and logically incorrect, then are you brave enough to be willing to challenge me concerning my argument re four-point calvinists? Or, if you are not able to challenge my reasoning here, then do you accept the charge that four-point calvinists must accept the doctrine of universal salvation for all mankind?

(All quotes from MacArthur are from “The doctrine of actual atonement”, Pt 1)

Addendum: Some extra points to consider for those less than five-point calvinists.

(a) If Jesus died for all mankind without exception (1 John 2:1-2), then why does the calvinist God choose only a few of them for heaven. What is the point of paying for the sins of all mankind if most of them cannot ever benefit from such payment? It is clear that calvinism must rely upon those of the elect being exactly the same group who have had their sins paid for. Why would Jesus need to die for anyone who wasn’t chosen to go to heaven (as one of the calvinist God’s unconditional elect)? Why pay for anyone’s sins if they have been foreordained by the calvinist God to go to hell to pay for their sins there? Why give all mankind a free ticket to calvinist heaven while at the same time sending most of them to hell to pay for those “free” tickets?

There is no logical nor scriptural answer to these questions.

A doctrine of full atonement for all mankind would destroy the heresy of a calvinist elect unconditionally chosen by their God. And because full atonement is biblically correct, then doesn’t this therefore destroy calvinism? Truly, all it takes to demonstrate that calvinism is a doctrine of devils is to reveal the heresy of limited atonement. Take away limited atonement and calvinism falls like a house of cards!

(b) The biblical truth is that Jesus died for the sins of all mankind without exception to make all mankind potentially saveable, and that to be actually saved one must call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, as per Romans 10:13. The free will of mankind to choose this day whom he will serve is what determines who actually goes to heaven and therefore who goes to hell. Those who do not choose to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved are condemned already until they do so call (John 3:18). It is your free will in this life that will determine your destination in the next.


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