Entries by Andrew Dunstone

Everyone resembles the God he worships

Everyone resembles the God he worships You can tell what a person’s God is like by observing the person himself. There is only one true God of the Bible. God has said that he is God and that there is no God other than him. I [am] the Lord, and [there is] none else, [there […]

Some facts about Israel in the end-times

Some facts about Israel in the end-times The temple will be rebuilt before or during the tribulation While it doesn’t state clearly anywhere that the temple will be rebuilt for these end-times, there are end-times prophecies that require a rebuilt temple. (a) Jesus told the disciples that when they (Israel) saw the abomination (as prophesied […]

The coming antichrist

The coming antichrist While Israel will be victorious to the end (in spite of the greatest tribulation they will ever experience), the biggest enemy of Israel in these coming end-times will be the antichrist (although he is never actually referred to as the antichrist in all of the book of Revelation). The antichrist will be satan’s […]

Israel’s coming tribulation

Israel’s coming tribulation While it is clear that Israel will continue until the end, it is also clear that this will be accompanied by severe tribulation and great oppression. In fact, Jesus promised Israel (via the Jews) that it would be the greatest tribulation that they would ever experience in all their history. (For then […]

God’s people Israel and their end-times victory

God’s people Israel and their end-times victory In the Bible, end-times refers to those days when God will draw His people Israel back to Himself, causing them to be redeemed according to His promise to them in Daniel 9:24 – Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the […]

Israel cannot and will not lose

Israel cannot and will not lose Right now Israel is being attacked in the media across the world, with many world leaders trying to outdo each other in condemning Israel. It does seem to be the in-thing to bash Israel these days. Why anyone would want to praise the murderous atrocities committed by those cowardly […]

Ezekiel’s tribulation and Armageddon timeline

Ezekiel’s tribulation and Armageddon timeline Ezekiel has a lot to say when it comes to the end-times of this world as we know it. If Ezekiel’s prophesied war of Chs 38 & 39 occurs, then the world as we know it may have little more than 7 years to run before Armageddon heralds the second […]

Freemason sin in the family

What to do with freemason sin in your family In fact, this post will explain how to deal with the fall-out from any form of satanism in your immediate ancestry. In particular, I will look at how to cope with the evil consequences of freemasonry on your family. For freemasonry is a satanic evil that […]

Four-point calvinists believe in universal salvation

Four-point calvinists believe in a universal salvation for all mankind Yes, that’s right! Calvinists who believe that Jesus died for the sins of all mankind without exception actually believe in a universal salvation for all mankind, because: (a) Four-point calvinists do not believe in limited atonement; they believe that Jesus died for all mankind without […]

Review of Living Springs Baptist Church, Rockbank, Victoria

Review of Living Springs Baptist Church, Rockbank, Victoria Once upon a time, Living Springs Baptist Church used to be a conservative biblical church in the western suburbs of Melbourne. That now seems to be a long way in the past. It was bad enough that over the years it should develop an unhealthy preference for […]

The Rapture

The pre-tribulation rapture enables Israel to fulfil her 70 weeks timeline With this document I will demonstrate that the only logical time for the rapture is at the start of a seven-year tribulation, in order to remove the Church so that Israel can return to its timeline (according to Daniel 9:24-27) completed. The passage in […]

Are you a real Christian or just a fake?

Are you a real Christian or just a fake? Yes, you might have prayed the sinners’ prayer, but did you mean it, or was it just taking out eternal life insurance for when you die? Are you serving God, or are you continuing to serve the world as you have in the past? Genuine Christians […]

“rainbowtoken.com” the false cult of “The Church of Almighty God”

“rainbowtoken.com” (the false cult of “The Church of Almighty God”) Beware of the lies and deceptions of this satanic cult!I was asked recently about what I knew about a secretive religious cult who run a website called www.rainbowtoken.com. So I did some research, and uncovered a large number of dangerous heresies of this secretive chinese […]

Review of GraceWest Bible Church, Albion

Review of GraceWest Bible Church, Albion GraceWest declares itself to be a reformed church GraceWest Bible Church of Albion, Australia declares itself to be a reformed church. This means that its doctrines rest upon those taught by Calvin when he attempted to reform the catholic church in the 16th century, hence the name “the Reformation”. […]

Calvinism teaches that good is evil, and evil is good!

Calvinism teaches that good is evil, and evil is good!According to Calvin’s hero and “mentor”, Augustine, evil is good and what is good is always evil. Therefore, Calvinists must believe that “bad” is simply “an evil good”, that evil is good and good is evil! In simple terms, this is Gnostic theology, where it is […]

The real truth about the Doctrines of Grace

The real truth about the Doctrines of Grace   Calvinists love to declare their beliefs as the doctrines of grace. But do you know why? You see, calvinists used to believe in the doctrine of puritanism, where if you fell off your spiritual horse and couldn’t get back on again, you were declared non-elect, not […]

How to be a good calvinist without being a Christian!

How to be a good calvinist without being a Christian! Calvinists blame others for ignorance and lack of understanding of their doctrine. I often get told that I get calvinism wrong because I do not understand its theology. For example, from an email: “your argument there does not stack up because you have misunderstood the […]

Calvinists lack good debating skills

Calvinists lack good debating skills. Calvinist comments to this website are, in general, irrational and disorganised. Very few would be able to present an acceptable debate. They are either incapable of intelligent rational discussion, or pretending to be so. Good post-writing is like a well-presented debate You see, I do a lot of research and […]

The Westminster Confession – A scholarly critique

The Westminster Confession – a scholarly critique After some serious study of that belief statement much beloved and much quoted of calvinists – the Westminster Confession – I have concluded that it is quite contradictory and encourages confused thinking. This is to be expected, seeing as it is based upon those likewise contradictory and confused […]

Calvinists blame the internet for comments that oppose them

Calvinists blame the internet for comments that oppose them (Excuses, excuses! Always excuses! All because they think they can never be wrong!) Calvinists blame the internet for much of the opposition they get from biblical Christians. The fact is that calvinists do not want you to think for yourself! They want to tell you what […]

What qualifications does a calvinist need?

What qualifications does a calvinist need? This post came about because calvinists who make comments on this website generally make wild accusations without presenting a shred of evidence to support their claims. The latest one simply said, “You are clueless”. So, what was the point of his comment? Absolutely no point at all! With an […]

MacArthur is Wrong!

MacArthur is WrongThis is a summary of a much longer document I published a while ago. This summary is recommended for most people. The much longer, more technical, original “MacArthur is Wrong” was one of the first documents published on this website. (You could also take a look at the madness of calvinism in “Calvinism is […]

Calvinism is madness itself

Calvinism is madness itself Calvinists are either mad, stupid or simply absolutely naïve! (And if you disagree, please properly demonstrate why you consider me to be wrong. I have given reasons; so should you!) You see, calvinists have to agree with the following two statements:(a) God is perfect and everything He does is perfect.(b) All […]

Why do calvinists believe lies?

Why do calvinists believe lies? What is it that makes calvinists think they have the truth when the Bible clearly demonstrates that they are actually believing lies? There has to be some big attraction that tempts them to want to believe, because it is certainly not biblical truth that leads to such lies. The attraction […]

Calvinist Interpretations

Calvinist interpretations Scenario No.1 A woman has 5 children. She tells them all to eat their food. Only one child eats his food; the other four do not eat their food.Calvinist interpretation: “The woman makes one child eat his food and makes the other four not eat their food. Because she never intended to feed them […]

Calvinist cop-outs!

Calvinist cop-outs Those of you who oppose calvinism because of its non-biblical teachings may have noticed that the moment you try to use the Bible alone (sola scriptura) to discuss issues with a calvinist, he or she usually tries to avoid open and frank discussion. So I’m proposing some of the more common ways that […]

The Future of the Church and Israel

The Future of the Church and Israel One day yet in the future today’s Church’s ministry will be completed in order for Israel to take back her position as God’s chosen nation. This will happen; the only question that remains is when. Today’s challenges are unprecedented. Today we are facing unprecedented challenges for the future. […]

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 6

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 6 Calvinists won’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer any questions But they can say, “It’s a mystery!“ Calvinism is a cleverly disguised heresy pretending to be Christian. But it is non-Christian because it denies mankind the right to choose this day whom they will […]

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 5

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 5 Calvinists won’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer any questions But they can say, “It’s a mystery!“ Calvinists just won’t answer simple straight-forward questions! Why? The answer here is simple: they can’t! These questions have been online for a while now and only one […]

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 4

Impossible Questions for Calvinists Part 4 Calvinists won’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer straightforward questions Calvinists can’t answer any questions But they can say, “It’s a mystery!“ Calvinists just won’t answer simple straight-forward questions! Why? The answer here is simple: they can’t! These questions have been online for a while now and only one […]