Entries by Andrew Dunstone

Evolution – hypothesis, not theory!

Evolution – hypothesis, not theory! This comment came about while studying Genesis Ch.1 & 2. Many alleged “scientists” will spout forth the evolution party line that so many adhere to: that evolution is science and creation (by God) belongs to the myths and legends of society. But it does come down to just one question: […]

So why did I start this website? Part 4

So why did I start this website? Part 4 So why did I start this website? Part 1 So why did I start this website? Part 2 So why did I start this website? Part 3 So, summarising 3 posts of explanation so far, the reason why I started this website was to have some […]

So why did I start this website? Part 3

So why did I start this website? Part 3 (So why did I start this website? Part 4) (So why did I start this website? Part 2) (So why did I start this website? Part 1) As mentioned in the previous 2 posts, I had a strong desire to protect local churches from the ravages […]

So why did I start this website? Part 2

So why did I start this website? Part 2 (So why did I start this website? Part 1) (So why did I start this website? Part 3) (So why did I start this website? Part 4) So, if you read my last post, you’ll understand why I have a bit of a problem with the […]

So why did I start this website? Part 1

So why did I start this website?? Part 1 So why did I start this website? Part 2 So why did I start this website? Part 3 So why did I start this website? Part 4 It’s been a busy year writing comments on a number of topics, mostly to do with the heresies of […]

Calvinists declare their God to be a liar!

Calvinists declare their God to be a liar! The God of the Bible gave man free will when He created him, and gave him dominion over the earth with the command to subdue it. Then how can calvinists say that their God created man with dominion over the earth, commanding man to subdue it, yet […]

Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 3

Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 3 (Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 1) (Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 2) In Part 1 I looked at some of the more-quoted passages often used to demonstrate the eternal security of the believer. The question was raised […]

Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 2

Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 2 (Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 1) (Eternal security? or Can you lose your salvation? Part 3) In Part 1 I looked at some of the more-quoted passages often used to demonstrate the eternal security of the believer. Other passages also include […]

Piper says holy God ordains unholy acts of sin

Piper says holy God ordains unholy acts of sin John Piper, like most calvinists, is far too vague on the truth of the Bible when it comes to the use of isolated Bible verses to support his false doctrines and blasphemies. For example, let’s have a look at his reply to a question on whether […]

The living-dead calvinist zombies – as taught by Calvin

The living-dead calvinist zombies – as taught by Calvin Calvinism has 3 groups: the living (the elect), the dead (the non-elect), and the living-dead (the living non-elect). It must be true; Calvin taught it to be so. For further information, please read on. This post will look at Calvin’s disgusting doctrine of temporary faith, a […]

Is it true that only calvinists can be saved?

Is it true that only calvinists can be saved? Well, if you were to ask a calvinist, and he were to be completely truthful, then he would have to answer, “Yes!” Of course, most calvinists reading this would immediately get upset that I should so misrepresent their revered religion, but if they could just see […]

Final reply to a calvinist who just won’t listen.

Final reply to a calvinist who just won’t listen. You have not addressed most of the questions I put to you, and those you have addressed, you have quoted the same old rhetoric that calvinists in general are forced to quote for fear their heresies might be revealed. I have given up hope of getting […]

Free will proves calvinist doctrine to be false!

Free will proves calvinist doctrine to be false I am amazed at just how devious calvinists can be. And that they claim to base their doctrines on the Bible alone, yet use the Bible far less than their other documents of extra revelation, such as Calvin. I have yet to see even one single calvinist […]

So you think free will isn’t in the Bible?

So you think free will isn’t in the Bible? Then think again! If God has given man no free will, yet tells man to choose between Him and other gods, or between good and evil blessing and cursing, then God, being righteous, will not break even one of His own divine laws. That is, He […]

Calvinism – the losing debating team!

Calvinism – the losing debating team! This post is written in response to a recently-received email from a calvinist who will remain nameless other than he is a calvinist. Calvinists do tend to come up with some ridiculous statements when trying to defend the indefensible. I so often wonder just why they are prepared to […]

Do calvinists ever listen to others?

Do calvinists ever listen to others? You can always tell a calvinist, but not much! Are calvinists so arrogant that they cannot even bear to listen to others properly before they then attempt to shove their lies down our throats? I answered a calvinist with my last post (Reply to a calvinist) but received a […]

I reply to a calvinist on the free will of man

Reply to a calvinist (who cannot see that the Bible teaches the free-will of man) Firstly, there is no way we would agree on no free-will for man. Free-will is not proven as nonsense. Spurgeon was talking nonsense when he said this: It has already been proved beyond all controversy that free-will is nonsense. (“Free […]

Truth and logic rule! Calvinists don’t!

It is apparent from the number of hits that this website is attracting people from a wide range of religious backgrounds. Many of them are certain to be calvinists looking for another victim to hit on. I have noticed that other non-calvinist websites often have a lot of angry and aggressive verbal attacks, with most […]

Why do Christians treat calvinists as brothers in Christ?

Why do Christians treat calvinists as brothers in Christ? Much distress can occur when two conflicting ideologies exist within the same social group, especially within churches. For that reason it is always good to heed Paul’s admonition to not be unequally yoked together. Christians would (or should) be quite rightly upset if a practising Mormon […]

When will calvinists become Biblical?

Calvinist Non-Biblical Copouts! That is, When will calvinists become Biblical? I am amazed at the number of times allegedly calvinist apologists (I daren’t call them teachers!) make bold statements about the error of the non-calvinist views without any Biblical documentation to support their assertions. For example, Spurgeon (a dubious calvinist at best, anyway) says, “It […]

Does Everyone who Reads, Agree?

Does everyone who reads, agree? It is interesting (at least to me it is) to note that I have received not one challenge to my many criticisms of calvinist doctrines, especially noting the extreme teachings of new calvinism. I have accused calvinism of being a false gospel (The False Calvinist Gospel; The False Calvinist Gospel […]

The Seventh Day Adventist Connection to New Calvinism

The Seventh Day Adventist connection to new calvinism I have documented this connection to some extent elsewhere; however, it is necessary to demonstrate the extent to which the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) teaching on daily justification has influenced the development of new calvinism. “Seventh Day Adventists Believe …..” Daily Justification. All believers who are living […]

New Calvinism is Biblical Counselling

New Calvinism is Biblical Counselling Both new calvinism and Biblical Counselling were developed into what they are today from their combined beginnings in the 1970s at Westminster Theological Seminary (USA). One is not separate from the other; each one is an integral part of the other. From the same fusion of Seventh Day Adventist and […]

Biblical Counselling as an Aid to Control the Church

Biblical Counselling as an Aid to Control the Church This is part of a larger document called The Gospel of New Calvinism which covers both the gospel and Biblical Counselling of new calvinism today. New calvinism is a term loosely applied to a syncretistic belief system based upon the merging of Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) […]

The New Calvinism Gospel

The New Calvinism Gospel New calvinism is different from traditional calvinism, and, in particular, that includes its gospel. New calvinism is becoming, or is already, the dominant viewpoint of calvinism today. But few people realise that it was founded upon a fusion of Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) and calvinist beliefs, and that a Seventh Day […]

Local Fundamentalist Pastor Heresy

Local Fundamentalist Pastor Heresy The day and age in which we live is rapidly defining itself as the Laodicean age (Revelation 3:14-22). The Laodicean church was a lukewarm church, neither hot (representing fervour for God) nor cold (fervour for the world). God says that He would prefer it to at least come out in the […]

Calvinism is the non-gospel.

Calvinism is the Non-gospel! (Unless otherwise stated, all quotes are from The doctrine of God’s effectual call – MacArthur.) Calvinists love claiming that calvinism is the gospel. They also love to make the preposterous claim that they preach the gospel to the ends of the earth, or similar outlandish statements. MacArthur says: We plead with […]